
About Us

Hello, we are Dee ’ s Rockin ’ Paws n Tails, welcome to our page!
Our mission is to help all dogs and their owners live a stress free life by teaching and training with positive reinforcement.
There has been many times were dog owners do not have the time to take care of their furry kids, let alone train them to have good manners.
Therefore, a lot of the dogs end up in shelters with higher chances to become euthanized.
We want to decrease difficult situations by providing the necessary tools to a happy and healthy life for both dogs and humans.
We provide Daycare and Boarding from the comfort of our own home which helps our furry friends feel at home. The difference between our home and a boarding facility is that here at Dee ’ s, they are NEVER left alone.
Our furry friends don ’ t like feeling as if they ’ re going to a jail cell.
Here we welcome dogs of all shape and sizes and guarantee that they will receive love, affection and respect just like they do at their own home.
Here at Dee ’ s, rest assure that no dog is left unsupervised. Dogs are free to roam our spacious secured back yard with locked front entrance fence.
For training, we offer individual and group sessions in our home or the client ’ s home.
For more information, please email us directly by clicking our contact tab.
We will get back to you within 24 hours.

About Dee

Hello. My name is Diana and I have been a dog owner and lover for more than 20 years.
I have been rescuing dogs and other animals since I was a young girl. My first dog was a Toy Poodle named Lissy, she was my everything.
Being a young girl at that time, I believed she was immortal.
When Lissy ’ s time came to cross the rainbow bridge, I experienced the worst heartache and devastation ever.
Soon after, I realized that she left me a precious gift, a gift that has molded me to do what I do best, the gift of love, affection and understanding of dogs.
Because of Lissy, my dogs have become my children.
I know they ’ ll always be loyal, always be my friend through thick and thin, will always love me no matter what and will always be happy to see me come home.
I believe newly pet parents must be ready, responsible and committed when it comes to owning a dog.
It is especially difficult for first time owners because it can be very stressful.
Please remember, before giving up and situations turning into a worse matter, give them a second chance.
I want to help you and make a difference, a happier lifestyle is possible.
I am a certified dog trainer and I personally welcome you to our page and I ’ m more than happy to share my story with all of you.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can email us directly and will be more than happy to assist you.
